So Friday was Spencer's 36th birthday. It's amazing how fast time goes. He luckily had work off. We made him a big breakfast and had him open gifts first thing and the kids gave him the cards they made. The three older kids went with Spencer to his cousin Robert's funeral. He was a cousin on the Daniel's side who died of cancer. When they got back we actually did our 12 mile run. Ya, not the funnest things to do on your birthday. He wanted to get the run overwith so we didn't have to worry about it the next day. It was harder than the week before because it was so warm, and we were both hurting by the end, but we did it! We took the kids up to Provo after to get supplies for the swings that Spencer added onto the fort in the backyard the next day. We grabbed Papa Johns pizza on the way home. He said it was a good day. The next day we worked for hours on putting swings in. They turned out really good. I am happy and excited for the kids to be able to use them this summer. They were already testing them out, as soon as they got put in. Spencer bought himself a speaker for the TV for his birthday, so that night we watched a movie as a family. Sunday was good because we were all well enough to go to church. That evening the kids were pleasently surprised. My Mom Masters sent me a message that day wondering if she could come stay for couple of days because Kim Cope was driving up to her daughter's and was willing to drop her off. So I told the kids that we had to go to Nephi to give some lady a ride that they didn't know. When we got to the gas station, they first saw Kim and recognized her and then saw my Mom and got all excited, yelling "Grandma!" It was funny. She stayed until Wednesday morning, which was so nice. She played outside with the kids, helped with homework, housework, and laundry. It was so nice to spend time with her. We got snow today and yesterday. It has been the driest winter I have ever seen, so we have been fasting and praying for moisture. It got really cold, but we are so grateful for the moisture. Hopefully it will continue. I am grateful for a Father in Heaven who listens to me and is aware of me. Good night.