Monday, August 15, 2016

End of Summer With My Babes

So, today was Aynslee's 4th Birthday. She had a fun day playing with Kaylese and Tyrik all day. She got clothes, PJ's, make up (her favorite), books, a play microphone, a stuffed animal dog, and an ice cream cake. She got to watch Disney princess movies today with her family and put on quite the performance for all of us including singing, dancing, and tricks. She is getting to be quite bossy, sassy, and opinionated for only being 4, but she is also so funny, happy, entertaining, and adorable! She is a blessing in our family. I am grateful she had a good day. :)
My children all start school this Thursday. I have loved every of summer with them! From our Vegas trip to swimming, camping for the Cook reunion last weekend, reading together, sleeping in 😊, walks together, 4th of July, Lamb Days, parades, play days, Lagoon, the list goes on and on. I couldnt have asked for a better summer with my kids. I love being out in the sun and I love spending time with family, especially my kids, there is nothing better. ☺
I am sad to see it come to an end, but grateful we had such a great one. Without Spencer working so much overtime and an extra job, it wouldnt be possible for me to have done all of those things and be home with them everyday. I am grateful for his hard work and willingness to let me be home with my kids. There is nothing harder, but nothing better in the world. I hope that we can keep our relationships good during the school year. It just seems harder because of all the things my kids have going and all the places they have to go, not to mention all the homework. I hate nagging and pleading and yelling. I am making a goal to be nicer amd calmer as this yearand rolls out. I know for a fact that if I am calmer, everything just goes better. We may not always be on time, but atleast we would be happier and nicer to eachother if I could stay that way. I hope and pray I can have the energy I need to wake up early and to keep up with it all, while staying calm. The only way I see it being possible is with Gods help. I am so grateful that God is aware of ME and my worries and struggles and that he cares so much that he is always willing to help me.
I feel so blessed to have this beautiful life. I have a beautiful garden, yard, home, and Valley to live in. Most of all, I feel so blessed to have the family I have. Grandparents, Parents, Brothers, Sisters, Neices, Nephews, My husband, and my beautiful children. My life is so full. Thank my Father in Heaven for all of it. The Gospel brings so much Joy if you live it. I am so grateful for that. I will write about the rest of the details of summer later. Until then.