Sunday, June 12, 2016

Fun First Two Weeks

Well, I can't believe it's already been two weeks since school has been out. They have gone by very quickly. The last day of school was Tyriks birthday. 6 already! He got a Ghost Buster gun, Star Wars Light Saber and some army guy stuff, legos, flipflops, and clothes from Grandma Cook. He had a fun day. I made him Ghost Buster cupakes because thats his new obsession. The next day we worked in the yard all day getting the garden planted and tilled and getting the lawn mowed, weeds pulled, etc...It was a long day, but the work was worth it. On Monday which was Memorial Day, we went up Fairview Canyon. Millers Flat wasnt open yet, so we went and fished at Cleavland Reservoir. The kids had a lot of fun. They ended up catching crawdads instead of fish, but they had fun doing it. We roasted marshmallows, had smores, and went for a little hike. It was a really great day. The next day, the kids and I went down to Nevada to visit family. We stopped on the way down to visit my Grandma Ivalee (Nanny) & Grandpa Vaughn (Papa). We got to Mom and Dad Masters around dinner time. The next day we spent the day at their house visiting with Erica & the kids. The kids enjoyed playing with their cousins. It was so hot there though, especially compared to what my kids are used to. Luckily, they got to swim almost everyday. Thursday we went to Korindi's to visit and the kids swam all day. That evening we went to the Reservoir with my Dad and brothers. The kids had fun messing around on the kayaks. Friday we went to Las Vegas and saw my Grandpa Kendall Zobrist, then met at Uncle James's house to go swimming. Aunt Fae with her son James, Aunt Gretchen with Brylee, Jeffrey, and Taylee, and Aunt Jennifer were there. It was so great to see everyone and visit and let the kids swim and have fun together. I really enjoy seeing them. I miss them more than I even expected to. I took the kids to a parking place right across from the airport after that. They loved it. Baylor was so excited! He kept yelling "Airplane! Airplane!" There were helpicopters going in and out and they even watched a big jet land. It was worth going to. On Saturday, it was so fun to have Tana and Tracy Nelson come visit and we went and had dinner at the Copes house with everyone that evening. I love them like family. It was so great to them and visit. We left for home the next morning. I was sad wasng able to see Elliah or Heather on this trip, but hopefully next time. I love my family so much and am so glad we went.
The week we got home, the kids started swimming lessons, with the exception of Wylie & Baylor. They all loved it. I started them on a "summer schedule" now. We get up, go for a walk(most mornings), feed the lambs and sheep, went to swimming lessons, came home, did chores, read for 30 minutes and then the kids can play for the rest of the day. It has worked pretty well most days. I am surprised how much of a difference swimming lessons made this time, especially for Aynslee. She will now put her face under the water for quite a while and isnt afraid at all. Wylie & Ryland were able to go to an unexpected last minute basketball camp at Wasatch Academy. They really liked it. They said it gave them a lot of individual time because there were only 14 kids total. We are glad they went. Plus, it was nice that it was so close. Conley & Kayla came to visit for one night last week. Their girls are just too cute! Madi is taller than Tyrik and is so beautiful! Their new baby Ashtyn was more than loved here. Even Baylor was loving and hugging and kissing her. He was mad because he wanted to keep holding her. It was so funny to witness. Most babies he hates and has no interest in or is just jealous if I hold them. All of us just fell in love with her. I was so grateful to see them.
The next day we headed up to Lagoon for the day with the Slade family. It wad fun because everyone was there. Even Jeffrey & Anna with their kids, and Aubree & Neil's family too. My Mom & Dad Slade brought their trailer there and had a camp set up right outside the park, so you could go in and out. It was so nice ! We left Baylor with a sitter and unfortunately Spencer had to work, but it was so fun to see the kids go on rides and enjoy new things. My older kids were able to go on big rides with uncles, while I went with the Tyrik & Aynslee on the smaller rides. I was so surprised how brave Aynslee was. She loved stuff that would have scared me as a kid for sure! Wylie even went on the Skycoaster. It drops you on a freefall, lond of like bungee jumping. I did it years ago and it scared the heck out of me. He was pretty brave and even liked it. The funnest moment of the day was going on a ride with Aynslee & Tyrik after dark that twirled you around. Well, I thought it would make them squish to my side, but instead, Tyrik & I were pulled to Aynslee's side. Tyrik ended up behind her and they laughed and laughed the whole ride. Tyrik kept yelling " See Mom, I told you this one would be fun!" Because he kept begging me to go on it. I laughed until I cried because they were so happy and funny! The older kids braved big rides and had a lot of fun! It was great to spend time with the family! Cory is now engaged to a girl named Emily(ya, another Emily in the family), he brought her. She seems really nice and great for him. I am so happy for him. He just turned 31 and has seemed like he just wanted to settle down for the last couple of years to me. He is getting married in August.
Lets see, this week we just had a pretty normal week. We played at Mt. Pleasant's new splash pad yesterday with Chavonne and her kids. We went swimming at the Nephi pool with Cassie Johnson and her kids. Wylie is still working for Grandpa and Ryland has helped too. I really love summer. It is such a great time to spend with my kids, and enjoy the warm weather. I love it! I have even been able to get some projects around the house done that have needed to be done, so that makes me happy. :)
Even though I still get stressed out sometimes taking care of the house and the kids, I truly enjoy my life. I feel very blessed and grateful to Heavenly Father for my family and all that I have in my life. Until next time.