Friday, August 28, 2015

So Much in Just One Month

Well, today being September 11th, the day we remember the terrorists attacks of September 11th, 2001, has helped me to reflect on my life and how grateful I am for the basic things in life. I am so thankful to God my beautiful home, for my yard, for our vehicles, for food and food storage, for health, for a beautiful sunshiny day, for the beautiful blue sky, for my beautiful family, & my knowledge of the gospel.
I know that these are all blessings from God and that He is aware of us.
So the kids started school a couple of weeks ago. It has actually been an easier transition than I thought, but I am sad without them & Aynslee really doesn't know what to do with herself without Kaylese to play with. I about bawled the first morning Wylie got on the bus to go to middle school. He seems to like it and has adjusted fine, but it's just hard for me to be ok with the fact that he is growing up. He has changed and grown a lot. He looks older.. so sad. I am very proud of him though. He is a good boy and I am so grateful He is so good. Tyrik starting kindergarten has been hard. He doesn't know as much as my other kids did going in, so I have really had to make myself take the time to work with him and help him. I feel so guilty because he really hasn't been taught and worked with like the others were because of things going on with the older kids and having to give so much attention to two more babies. I know that he is very smart and he is already catching on fast. I just feel bad because he doesn't love school because of that aspect. I hope it gets better. Kaylese and Ryland both seem to like their teachers and classes. Kaylese started dance and tumbling and is already doing her backhandspring unassisted in class. She was very excited! They started piano this week. I hope it's a fun thing for them this year, we will see. Last weekend we went to Elko to visit Jeffrey & Anna because they moved there and they blessed their baby Samuel William on Sunday. He is a doll. It was so nice to visit with them and see their kids. Mom & Dad Masters actually paid for our hotel room which was a blessing. We got to visit them and see Mom & Dad Slade, Devin, Skyler & Emily Sunday too. The drive wasn't the greatest because the kids thought it was "so far" and Baylor and I both ended up with colds so he didn't sleep at all at the hotel, but it was still a great time. I am so grateful we were able to go. Monday was Labor Day so we spent it on the mountain at Miller's Flat (Cook Family Cabin). It was a beautiful day.
We went to Lake Powell for a couple of days the week that the kids started school. The kids had a great time. Wylie wake boarded, Ryland tried, and Kaylese learned how to knee board. Tyrik loved swimming, sliding down the slide on the house boat, & playing on the beach. I could tell by the time we left My Mom, Dad & Devin were pretty done and bugged by the kids, so that's actually why I decided to leave Tuesday instead of Wednesday. We left Aynslee & Baylor at home with Marian, which was nice.
Aynslee's birthday was a lot of fun. She is a big 3 year old now. She is even potty trained just in the last month, but she does have accidents if I don't remind her. She got a bunny (it's adorable), a princess Elsa dress, & some clothes and shoes, so she was in heaven. Spencer borrowed his cousins pony so she and Kaylese could ride her that week. She is actually a minature horse. Aynslee & Kaylese loved it! Let's see, Spencer just took me on a date tonight up to the Cheesecake Factory (my favorite place to eat) and then took me to visit my Gr. & Gr. Slade. Oh how I love those people! It was such a nice break and much needed time with him. Wylie had a scout camp up at Miller's Flat lastnight, so Spencer went & took  Ryland and stayed On The Mountain in his Dads camp. It is so beautiful and has cooled off a ton already. Fall has definitely arrived. I love it, but am already dreading what is following...I know, I just need to be grateful.
The run for President has begun again. There are many candidates running just for the Republican party vote. We watched a debate the other night. It was interesting to watch. Donald Trump, a billionaire celebrity is in the race. He really doesn't know policies or how to deal with real issues in my opinion. Dr. Ben Carson a retired pediatric neurosurgeon is running. I really like him. I wish so badly he could get in. I have read several of his books. He is an intelligent, kind, God Fearing Man. We will see what happens as it gets closer. 
I had a really hard time saying goodbye to summer. It sounds dumb, but I love everything about it. It is the warm sunshine, the time with my children, the flowers, family fun, all of it. I just love it.

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