Sunday, June 7, 2015

First weeks of summer

Well, it has only been two weeks of summer and it has been pretty busy. We celebrated Tyriks birthday. He loved every minute ofcourse. He is really into Legos now, so he got a set of those and some shoes and bubbles and stuff like that. Wylie and Ryland had a ball camp for three days that the highschool, so we went over to Mt. Pleasant and I let the little ones play at the park while they were in their camp. We went up to Millers flat as a family Monday of that week also. It turned out to be a beautiful day and the kids had a lot of fun on rides and hikinh around. We went up to Salt Lake Friday to see my Gr & Gr. Slade. It was so nice to see them and have the kids visit with them. I have the feeling my Grandpa won't be around much longer, so I am glad we went. This last week we had a Dr. Appt for Wylie for his scout physical and his middle school shots. We all went up because it was Spencer & I's anniversary, so we took him a drink and treat at work. Wednesday evening Marian came to stay with the kids so Spencer & I could go up to stay overnight at Brigham city. We try to go to a new temple every year. We went to dinner and a movie that night and then Thursday morning, we went to the Brigham city temple. It was a small, but beautiful temple. They had a new video for the session that we hasn't seen yet. Then we had lunch and went to the Ogden temple for a session. That was also nice, and so pretty inside. It was neat to feel the Spirit and learn so much all that day. It was so nice to get away just for a day. I am grateful for all Spencer does for me. I know he loves me and I felt spoiled by the time Thursday was over. He brought home roses and other gifts for me Tuesday too. I am grateful that after 14 years, we are growing together spiritually and for the relationship we have. I love him very much.
Friday we just  tried to get things done around the house and grocery shopped. I am excited for my raspberry plants, rose bushes and strawberry plants in the back, they are starting to do great. It has rained off and on still which is such a huge blessing. Saturday morning Spencer, Wylie & Ryland went to Colburns baptism while me & the others went to Kali's baptism in American Fork. It was hard that they ended up being on the same day, but I am glad we could support both. It was so nice to see Janell. She looked great and seemed happy.
I am sad I don't see her more, but I hope she is truly happy. The boys went on the mountain after the were done, so they were gone when we got home. We deep cleaned the girls room, which was so needed and even Kaylese was very glad when we were done. Church was pretty good today. We all fasted, which I am grateful that my children know that is what we do. It was a good fast & testimony meeting. The bishopric taught us about bringing sacrament meetings back to Christ. We are working on this as a family, and are hoping to make a few changes to make it more meaningful. It was great to hear the messages from the quorum of the 12.
The Apostle L.Tom Perry passed away at the age of 92. He was a great man. He has been in there since 1974, so all of my life. I was sad to see him go, but happy for him. He had lost a wife, a daughter, and two granddaughters. So I am sure their reunion was great.
I have to say, after going to the temple and finishing the Book of Mormon again, I just feel like The Plan of Salvation really is real. God does have a plan. Life isn't meant to be eas y, but we are promised numerous times in the temple, if we will but remain faithful to our covenants, we will be blessed.
Sometimes it is tempting to stop trying and to just pull away from trying to be righteous and good all the time, but I know that is just Satan, not wanting me to progress and grow and I know he is trying to discourage me from raising my children the way I should. I believe they are going to do great things and that they will be a huge part of sharing the gospel and bringing in the Second Coming. I just hope and pray, that I can stay diligent in all that is needed to be done. It is the day to day things sometimes that seem hard for me to keep up with. Especially when I feel like they need to be done, but that my children should be more important than any of it. I hope I can be the kind of Mom that teaches my children how to work, and to live right, but at the same time, that I love them more than anything and would help them with anything they needed or any problem they have. I love my lifem . It is so rich, so full of love, and God's great blessings. Tyrik was able to go and stay at My Mom and Dads for his birthday lastnight and to see how much my kids love my Dad and to hear his stories and his love for us, inspires me. I am so grateful for such a great Dad and such good family. I love them so much. God loves us more than we can see and understand, and will bless us. Until next time.

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