Thursday, January 22, 2015


So yesterday was a pretty good day. I was calm with the kids, I got what I wanted done, but there are always a few things that stand out. First, Tyrik couldnt find his back pack for school. He was pretty frustrated. I had the thought that it would be a good time to teach him about prayer. I asked him to say a prayer to help him find his back pack. Almost immediately after, he went and found it. I made sure he said another prayer to thank Heavenly Father for answering his prayer. It turned out to be a great teaching moment. So that was good. The other good thing was conquering the game/blanket closet that I dread so much because it is such a big job. While I was accomplishing this however, of course Tyrik and Aynslee were doing something naughty. As long as I have been a mother, that is pretty much how it has always gone. I dont know why I am surprised! I feel like I have Ryland & Kaylese all over again most days. Anyhow, they took every piece of clothing off of Ryland and Tyriks shelves in their closet and threw them on the floor. Ya, that was nice. Undo one closet, while I organize another. 
One thing every Mother learns, if toddlers are ever quiet, it's not a nice break, something naughty is happening!

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