Monday, December 28, 2015

Always wait too long

Well, Thanksgiving was delicious and great with The Cook family this year. Wylie and Ryland had quite a few accelerated games in December. They played well. The kids had their annual school Christmas performance. This was Tyriks first year. He was singing SO LOUD that everyone was cracking up! Love that wild boy! He did know the words really well though ;). Wylie had his first band concert, he did well. It was fun to watch what he has learned. He is doing well in school still and made quite a few friends now. We enjoyed seeing my Slade family a couple of times at Christmas parties. We love our little family party now. It's a lot of fun! We had the Cook party last weekend which was fun. We went to the live Nativity here that night and it was so great! Spencer has been working a lot, so he can pay for Christmas. The kids got spoiled this year. Not necessarily a ton of gifts, just things that cost more than usual. So for Christmas we headed up to the cabin at Miller's Flat this year. It was Spencers idea. I was very nervous, but it turned out to be the best Christmas we have had. Christmas eve we snowmobiled in and it was perfect and beautiful. I was organized with packing so that helped it go well. Matthew, and Winston helped Spencer take everything up to the cabin the day before we went which made it so much easier. Christmas day the kids were so happy Santa found us. :) It was snowing and blowing most of that day, but they did get to play outside in the snow that morning. Wylie got a 270 gun, Ryland and Tyrik an x-box 1 with games, Kaylese got a doll and a big horse for her doll that she really wanted, Aynslee got Anna and Elsa dolls, and Baylor got a bball hoop, with a small set of balls to go with it. They were all very happy. The next morning it was clear and sunny again so we could snowmobile out. The kids slept pretty good, the fire kept us nice and toasty. I even planned some pretty good food for only having a stove to cook on. All in all I don't think we will ever forget it.
The day before our suburban had to be fixed for the 2nd time within a month. We have had to put quite a bit of $$ into it which has been hard. I am grateful though. I feel like Heavenly Father has really helped things to work out for us lately. He has really blessed us in many ways.
So I found out that my Grandma Larson(Donette's Mom) passed away while we were at the cabin on Christmas day. She was 81. I feel sad, but happy for her because she had many health problems for many years. What a relief that must be to not feel pain anymore. We will be going to her funeral Wednesday.
We actually left the gifts for the kids from us wrapped under the tree for when we came home. The kids were surprised. They were mainly underwear, socks, and exciting things like that. But Ryland did get a Bionicle guy to build and Tyrik a lego set. Kaylese and plastic girly looking Bow, with some arrows, and Aynslee got a bike we found for cheap. She was very excited!
Anyhow, I am sad because I am done teaching Wylie's Sunday school class. I have only taught for two months, but because they will move onto the next teacher next week, I feel really bummed. I have already learned to love each kid and have high hopes for all of them. We will see what this new class brings. Also I am sad that Aynslee moves onto sunbeams. It's just sad and amazing at the same time how slow time seems to go when you have your first child, then when it's your 4th on, it just speeds by. I can't believe I only have 1 babe left in nursery. Speaking of that babe. He is starting to talk a lot. He now says, "hot toto", "I love you", "I see you", and other cute things. He is quite a funny little boy. So here are a couple of good Tyrik quotes. His teacher in Primary asked him how old he was " I'm five, how old are you?" The teacher told him 66. Tyrik asked " And you're still alive?" Ya, that made them laugh quite a bit. The other was when a guy in our ward who was walking out of church was teasing Tyrik about having to sit on him in Primary because he will be his new teacher, Tyrik gets mad and yells "My Dad is fatter than you!" The guy laughs and says no I think I am bigger than him. Tyrik again yells " No, he's way fatter than you!" The guy was laughing, I was laughing and so was his wife. Spencer got a kick out of that story too. Aynslee has quite the personality coming out. She is starting to be so funny. Today when she saw an ambulance she said "the aliens are coming!" Her teacher said she was the Mother hen of the nursery, she would keep them all in line, and yesterday during her visit to primary, she saw Tyrik being irreverent and stomped over there and said, "Tyrik knock it off!" Tyriks teacher said he couldn't believe someone so little and quiet would do that. Ya, she's got most people fooled. :)
Today was an exciting day, Chavonne had her baby!! A boy!! I guessed it :) I am so happy for her! #6, now she is caught up to me. Well, I can't believe another year has passed. It's been full of change, full of blessings, full of fun. I am so grateful for my family. I couldn't ask for better parents, husband and kids. I love them all so much. My siblings too. I wish my kids knew just how much I care and love them, even though I nag them to do so much. I feel so blessed and know that God knows me and helps me. Until next time.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

A great Sunday

Wow, it's almost the end of November. I can't believe it!
Halloween was good this year. The kids had a lot of fun. We took them to some houses around here and then to Moroni to see cousins and Marian & Tracy. Wylie just went as a cowboy, Ryland was Wolverine, Kaylese was a pirate, Tyrik was very excited to be Captain America, Aynslee was Rapunzel or Tangled, and Baylor was a minion.
With Ryland playing football this year and then starting accelerated bball before it ended, it about did me in. He played every night one week and then Wylie played Saturday that week. It was too much!  I survived though. Wylie & Ryland's coaches on accelerated Basketball have not played them that much until this Saturday. Spencer talked to Wylie's coach & I talked to Ryland's. Thankfully they listened. Ryland played some and for the first time, Wylie got to play most of the game. He played very well. I was happy for him and proud of him. I have been very proud of Ryland's attitude since basketball started. He cheers his teammates on, is happy and positive even though he doesn't get played as much as others. That makes me happy and proud of him. I really enjoy watching both of them play.
So last Sunday was Wylie's birthday. Yes, I am sad to say I have a teenager :( I can't belive he has grown up so fast. He really is such a great kid. He has been more forgiving and patient with me than I could ask for. I have to say I have already started to see some changes in him. I wish he would just stay little. SIGH... He got to go ride motorbikes with his cousins for two days in a row, then we had a party for him Sunday. Then he went to Mom & Dad Slades for the night lastnight. He got two pair of boots (one for farm & one for riding) Then he got a hoodie and $$ and goggles and even a chest plate for riding his motorbike. He is very happy and grateful. The kids had their primary program on that day too. It was such a great program.
Today was probably the most I have felt the Spirit in one day for a long time. It was so great. The talks were on the atonement and on marriage. I felt like I gave a descent lesson, and then in Relief Society we talked about why we have a church and different women talked about why they come. It was great. I am so grateful for the Spirit.
I am very grateful for my sweet family. I love my Heavenly Father so much. Until next time. :)

Monday, October 26, 2015


Well, as usual there is much to write about. If only I would do this daily, then it wouldn't be so hard to remember it all. I don't know if I already mentioned that Baylor can walk. He started in September and he is now going fast every where and he learned how to climb within a week of walking. He climbs all the way up to the counter with the sink and has soaked the counter and floor a couple of times. He loves his new found fun, obviously it isn't so fun for me because he is making messes and getting hurt all of the time, but he is the same as the others have been at this age. I am very grateful He is healthy and happy. Aynslee is a funny little girl. She is definitely trying out her 3 yr old "say no to everything" and "I can do it all by myself" stuff. She is still a pretty mellow 3yr old compared to how the rest have been. Wylie is so happy because he made the accelerated Basketball team and got straight A's on his 1st quarter report card. It wasn't easy, but he did it! Ryland also got straight A's and made basketball. I have mixed feelings about them making it, just because it has already made my life that much busier but I am happy for them. Kaylese did really well with all A's & 1 B+. She started learning her dance for competition and she loves it & is excited! She had her 9th birthday last weekend. She had a sleepover with Rianna. They watched the new Cinderella. Spencer borrowed Josephs pony again so they could ride it around. She had a horse cake and got plenty of gifts. She went to stay with Mom & Dad Slade this weekend and got even more things. She had a lot of fun! I can't believe she is 9. So much has changed but it has flown by. Tyrik is starting to read a lot better. It is amazing the things
that can happen when you just give a little time & attention to a child that they didn't have before. He is very excited for Halloween!
So let's see. We went through the temple with Clancy at the beginning of this month. What a neat experience that was. It was at the Payson one.
We went down to Nevada for the Copes sons viewing. It was very sad, but it was so great to see all of their family and other friends. I even got to see my brother Colby and his family and my aunt Gretchen. I am glad went down. We had another Stake conference yesterday. I believe the visiting authorities name was Elder Robbins. It was a great conference. They emphasized keeping the Sabbath Day Holy again and talked about living within our means, forgiving others, and paying our tithing and fast offerings. Also about being happy. He also talked about not taking serious things too casually.
It has cooled off enough this last week that Chavonne & I couldn't walk like we have been every morning. It makes me sad, but I do know we need a good winter, so we will see. Spencer heard back from Weber on getting back into school and finishing his bachelor's degree. Things are looking good. We hope he can start soon. It only looks like he needs a couple of classes. He is still trying to get a farm going. I hope that can happen,  but only if the Lord wants it to and it is meant to be for our family. Ryland has been playing football. He is a fast runner and enjoys it.
I am so blessed and feel very grateful to have my family. My parents, Grandparents, My husband and especially my children. There is nothing better. I do feel as though I fail as a Mother everyday, but I pray for help constantly and I am hoping that they will remember the good more than the bad. I wish so badly I was a calm, patient mother....Maybe someday. I believe that God is aware of us and our situations and what we need. We just need to have Faith in Him and His plan. Oh, I almost forgot if I didn't mention it. I got a calling. I am Wylie's new Sunday School teacher. I already feel a lot for this class. I hope I can instill in them a desire to know for themselves that the gospel is true. Until next time.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Conference Weekend

I have to be honest and say, I always love General Conference, but this time I felt The Spirit so strong and felt so well taught and uplifted, it was amazing. Even through all the crying, screaming, and playing of the kids.
So many spoke of keeping the Sabbath day Holy, also about receiving personal inspiration by being worthy of The Spirit constantly. There were three new apostles called because of the passing of Elder Perry, Pres. Packer, and recently Elder Scott. The new ones called were Elder Rasband, Elder Stevenson, & Elder Renlund. They all spoke and we're deeply humbled by the call. I assumed they would have known for a while now, but it was not so. They were all called this week. No wonder they were feeling intimidated and shocked. They all have beautiful testimonies though and we welcomed sweetly by the others. President Monson spoke only once and by the end of his talk, he was out of breath, and looked as though he were slowly falling. His two counselors grabbed him as soon as he was done. Oh how I love him and feel badly that his health is failing him. I hope he can last longer, he is such a great leader and such a wonderful example of service. So Mom & Dad Masters were able to get 4 tickets to Sunday morning conference. They came Saturday and got up early Sunday and took Wylie & Ryland with them. The boys both said they loved it. Ryland was so excited to see the Prophet speak and see him "in person", as he said. I am so grateful they got to go. We took the others for a drive after the first session up Nebo loop and found a beautiful lookout point on a dirt road. The kids even got out and hiked a little. We all were back to watch the second session. I am so grateful for the technology that makes it possible to watch conference in my own home. It is such a blessing. It was also nice to spend another Sunday with Spencer. Tyrik had a soccer game last week and loves playing now. He is even doing better with reading his words and writing his name. Ryland started football. He is actually really good, but he is so competitive that he gets upset quite easy...I hope he can learn to calm down and enjoy it more. We shall see. I am helping with the wards Super Saturday this year, so I went up Friday and got a bunch of stuff for it. I am excited for make them Chelsea Sloan is the one in charge and then Amy Oliver is helping.  We shall see how it turns out. So Friday I found out two sad things. Russell Allred from here in Fountain Green passed away from cancer. He has three young girls and his wife left behind.  Then Matthew Gifford, Mike & Kim Copes oldest son passed away also. They lost their son Zack to drugs two years and now Matthew to the same thing. I feel so sad for them. I can't imagine going through that as a parent. I also can't imagine losing my husband that young. Some people have such hard trials. I just pray that I can somehow help comfort them. Well, this week is looking like a busy one. May the Lord be with us. I am going to try harder to keep the Spirit with me, and listen to His promptings. I am grateful for my life and my many blessings.
Last weekend was Clanceys farewell. I can't believe he leaves so soon, but I am so proud of him. Until next time :)

Friday, August 28, 2015

So Much in Just One Month

Well, today being September 11th, the day we remember the terrorists attacks of September 11th, 2001, has helped me to reflect on my life and how grateful I am for the basic things in life. I am so thankful to God my beautiful home, for my yard, for our vehicles, for food and food storage, for health, for a beautiful sunshiny day, for the beautiful blue sky, for my beautiful family, & my knowledge of the gospel.
I know that these are all blessings from God and that He is aware of us.
So the kids started school a couple of weeks ago. It has actually been an easier transition than I thought, but I am sad without them & Aynslee really doesn't know what to do with herself without Kaylese to play with. I about bawled the first morning Wylie got on the bus to go to middle school. He seems to like it and has adjusted fine, but it's just hard for me to be ok with the fact that he is growing up. He has changed and grown a lot. He looks older.. so sad. I am very proud of him though. He is a good boy and I am so grateful He is so good. Tyrik starting kindergarten has been hard. He doesn't know as much as my other kids did going in, so I have really had to make myself take the time to work with him and help him. I feel so guilty because he really hasn't been taught and worked with like the others were because of things going on with the older kids and having to give so much attention to two more babies. I know that he is very smart and he is already catching on fast. I just feel bad because he doesn't love school because of that aspect. I hope it gets better. Kaylese and Ryland both seem to like their teachers and classes. Kaylese started dance and tumbling and is already doing her backhandspring unassisted in class. She was very excited! They started piano this week. I hope it's a fun thing for them this year, we will see. Last weekend we went to Elko to visit Jeffrey & Anna because they moved there and they blessed their baby Samuel William on Sunday. He is a doll. It was so nice to visit with them and see their kids. Mom & Dad Masters actually paid for our hotel room which was a blessing. We got to visit them and see Mom & Dad Slade, Devin, Skyler & Emily Sunday too. The drive wasn't the greatest because the kids thought it was "so far" and Baylor and I both ended up with colds so he didn't sleep at all at the hotel, but it was still a great time. I am so grateful we were able to go. Monday was Labor Day so we spent it on the mountain at Miller's Flat (Cook Family Cabin). It was a beautiful day.
We went to Lake Powell for a couple of days the week that the kids started school. The kids had a great time. Wylie wake boarded, Ryland tried, and Kaylese learned how to knee board. Tyrik loved swimming, sliding down the slide on the house boat, & playing on the beach. I could tell by the time we left My Mom, Dad & Devin were pretty done and bugged by the kids, so that's actually why I decided to leave Tuesday instead of Wednesday. We left Aynslee & Baylor at home with Marian, which was nice.
Aynslee's birthday was a lot of fun. She is a big 3 year old now. She is even potty trained just in the last month, but she does have accidents if I don't remind her. She got a bunny (it's adorable), a princess Elsa dress, & some clothes and shoes, so she was in heaven. Spencer borrowed his cousins pony so she and Kaylese could ride her that week. She is actually a minature horse. Aynslee & Kaylese loved it! Let's see, Spencer just took me on a date tonight up to the Cheesecake Factory (my favorite place to eat) and then took me to visit my Gr. & Gr. Slade. Oh how I love those people! It was such a nice break and much needed time with him. Wylie had a scout camp up at Miller's Flat lastnight, so Spencer went & took  Ryland and stayed On The Mountain in his Dads camp. It is so beautiful and has cooled off a ton already. Fall has definitely arrived. I love it, but am already dreading what is following...I know, I just need to be grateful.
The run for President has begun again. There are many candidates running just for the Republican party vote. We watched a debate the other night. It was interesting to watch. Donald Trump, a billionaire celebrity is in the race. He really doesn't know policies or how to deal with real issues in my opinion. Dr. Ben Carson a retired pediatric neurosurgeon is running. I really like him. I wish so badly he could get in. I have read several of his books. He is an intelligent, kind, God Fearing Man. We will see what happens as it gets closer. 
I had a really hard time saying goodbye to summer. It sounds dumb, but I love everything about it. It is the warm sunshine, the time with my children, the flowers, family fun, all of it. I just love it.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Way too Long!

Well, it's been too long. I told myself I wouldn't let it go this long. It's been such a fun filled past month though. Lots to tell. Let's see how many details I can remember. So the 4th of July celebration was so fun as always. Loris family stayed for a few weeks, which was great! Her kids have grown up so much! Our kids loved having them here. Baylor was excited about the fireworks until it got a little dark and up over our heads, then he was so scared! So I ended up sitting in Jamie's house, but that was ok with me because I will no longer have a baby next year, which makes me sad. I am so grateful for this wonderful country we live in, and the celebration we have every year with the Cook family. The kids have so much fun with cousins and we love to spend time with Spencers family. So the weeks following were filled with walking lambs, practicing judging, etc... The kids had their Lamb Show the day before Lamb Day and it went well. None of them placed, but they have improved so much this year and learned so much! It really surprised me. Their sale went better than expected the next day too. They should each end up with $500.00 in their pockets (savings) this year after costs are paid. Lb Day itself was great! Spencer, Wylie & I all ran in the 5K & Lamb scram that morning. We all beat our times, so that was good. We headed down to the parade start because Tracy put together the small sheep camps again. He pointed out that all of the grandchildren being together might not happen again for years to come because Clancy is hoping to be on a mission by next Lamb Day, so he had a lady come take pictures. It was neat to have them all there. They all rode in the parade, even Clancy and Baylor. We had lunch after in Tracy & Marian's building. My Mom & Dad Masters were here, which just made it funner. The kids played at some of the games at the park, we watched some of the softball games and then watched the fireworks, which was awesome because we were right under them. It was a fun, great Lamb Day again. I am so grateful for this great community I live in. So my Dad left Sunday, but my Mom stayed because Spencer & I went on Trek in Wyoming with the Ward for Youth Conference. What a surprisingly wonderful experience. The youth in our group were Catherine Lund, Aubry Madsen, Bailee Hansen, Alan Oldroyd, Wyatt Farnsworth, and Kaden Allred. What a great group of kids! Loved getting to know them! The Trek was so different than I imagined. There were missionaries at each spot, telling History and stories of the pioneers. There was even a spot we got to go see that they told us was Hallowed ground because The Savior himself had walked there. It was a grave site for 11 pioneers. There was fun line dancing. I loved getting to know the other leaders and adults that I didn't know so well in the ward. Diane and Kim Johnson were in charge of it all and she was not in good health and wasn't supposed to come, so I am so grateful for all they did to put it together. We had a special fast last Sunday for her health. We also got to see a slide show of a bunch of pictures. It was very fun to watch. So that was a busy couple of weeks. Let's see, since then, we started another round of swimming lessons. Wylie got a new motorbike(100). He has been to the farm a lot and riding and hiking for scouts and doing his family history calling. He was just called as the Deacons quorum President and had such a neat blessing from Bishop last week for it. You could feel the Spirit very strong. I am so grateful for Him. He is an excellent Young Man, in all the ways he should be. I am scared to send him to Middle School because I fear his innocence will not last, but I just pray that He will stand up for what he knows to be right, even when others won't. I couldn't ask for a better son. I feel that all my boys are so strong and will be such great leaders someday, I just need to get them in the right direction. I try so hard everyday to teach my children things that are right and what is most important in this life. It's been so nice because Kaylese has spent so much time with me at home this summer. She is such a great help and big sister. I have really enjoyed it!  Ryland has now taken over Wylie's other motorbike, and is enjoying it. He has helped me a lot at home this summer too. He has played with Tyrik a lot, which Tyrik has loved! It's been great. We got to have a one on one with him the other night. He chose to go bowling and watch the movie- Pixels. It was fun to spend that time with him :) The next night we took Kaylese. Her & I got pedicures first. Ya, she loved it. Then we took her to help us pick some bunnies out for Aynslee's birthday present. Ya, I know, weird. We finally gave into the idea of pets again. I hope I don't regret it soon. So we picked those out. We then went out to eat and even grocery shopped. Now we have two more to go before school starts. It was one of my goals, to do a one on one with each of the four going to school before they went. Oh, so Jeff & Anna had their baby boy Samuel in July. I can't wait to hold him. He looks adorable!! They also moved to Elko because Jeffrey got a new job as assistant District Attorney there. Colby just graduated from lineman school in Idaho. I hope he gets a job soon. Rianna was baptized last Saturday, that was great to go to. We also went to the Cook family reunion that day, which was a lot of fun. Devin graduated officially from Nursing School and got a job in an ICU, at a hospital in Murray. We have had some really big rainstorms, which have been a great blessing. Oh, Elder Packer died of the Quorum of the Twelve apostles. Only less than a month after Elder Perry. It was such a nice funeral (watched it on tv). Sad to see those two go. What amazing men!  Now to see who the next two apostles are. Elder Nelson was called now to the President of the the Twelve Apostles. I am just hoping to really enjoy this last week a half with my kids before school starts. :( I love summer and have loved spending time with them. We even got school shopping and going through all their clothes all done already, which is a huge job. I just wish they could stay my babies. Oh how I love them! Aynslee talks so well now. Baylor can pull himself up to anything now and even does a weird type of crawl. He is starting to get a little temper though...I hope it's just the age. He is still the cutest thing ever though :) I love my family more than anything! I have enjoyed time this summer with my husband, kids, and extended family so much! There is nothing better. I hope I didn't forget anything. Oh, one funny. So our Bishop was teaching sharing time in Primary and said " Jesus Loves Everyone of You". Tyrik stands up and says loudly, while pointing to his teacher-"Not Him, because He's Old!" Ya, he said they all laughed pretty hard. That kid, he is something else! Love him. :) Until next time, which is hopefully soon.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cool things

So I just had to post a few neat things. Within the last two days, I have seen Ryland & Kaylese jump off a diving board and swim by themselves to the side. I have seen Aynslee learn how to balance on the little strider bike and Baylor is now straightening his legs to stand up on things and people. Also, Tyrik read two words to me out of a book for the first time tonight. Spencer was offered more hours and call at Sanpete Valley Hospital, and Kaylese has learned some new dance technique because we are practicing for her Lamb Day Talent show piece. It's so neat to see change when it is good change. These are little miracles to me. I am grateful for being able to witness  these little miracles. I am so grateful for my life. I am so blessed and know that my Heavenly Father is aware of me.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Fun Week in Nevada

Well, it's been a good two weeks. Wylie went to scout camp from Tuesday to Saturday. I think that's the longest I have gone without seeing him, and I really missed him by the weekend. He said he enjoyed it a lot though, so I was glad. Spencer went up Friday morning and spent time with Wylie, and then Winston took Ryland & Tyrik up with him that evening for the Father's and Sons campus and met up with Spencer. Kaylese & I deep cleaned her room. That was so nice to get done. We went and hung out with Jamie & Rianna that night and visited, which was fun. Saturday we worked in the yard, cleaned out the sandbox and mowed the lawn, all before the boys got home. There was an accident at the bottom of Fairview canyon, so the guys were stuck up there for longer than expected. It ended up being a good day. It was nice to have time with the girls. The next Monday, Wylie went for his 10 mile hike with the scouts and then as soon as he was home, we took of to Nevada. We stopped in Toquerville to see my Gr & Gr. Nanny & Papa Byington. My kids haven't been around them much, so I really wanted to visit with them. We followed them to a park, with a fountain in Hurricane. The kids loved the fountains! Even Baylor played in them! We had a good visit, and even Nanny's sister Aunt Pat came. We went to Dairy Queen after and ate with them. It was so fun to see them and see them enjoy the kids.
(My kids crack me up. I was just down telling Ryland & Tyrik to go to bed again & they were both showing me the cool things they built out of Legos. Then Tyrik said " Mom, right here is hard. Maybe my muscles came up from my leg and gave me more muscles on my arm." Oh the funny things kids say. Tyrik idolizes Ryland and because of that, he has learned to build Legos like him. He is actually getting pretty good. Ryland can build amazing things, all from his own imagination. It's awesome! Sorry, had to share, now back to my story.)
So I was grateful we stopped and saw them on the way. We got on the road again and made it to Logandale around 7:00. The kids were very excited! Almost immediately the kids had Grandma working. There was a wagon there, so Aynslee & Baylor had Grandma pull them across the street to the "park" or the school. There are a few playgrounds over there, so the kids loved that. Dad grilled some dinner late, he even made the kids some cookies before bed eaxh night. It was hot, but the kids were so excited! Tuesday morning the kids played with Bretts & Esthers kids and played the x-box. We went to my friend Heather Humes' that afternoon. It was so nice, she has an above ground pool that the kids played in for hours. We were able to visit, it was great! That evening, Grandpa & Grandma took the boys kayaking out on the reservoir. Kaylese got to ride Monroes pony, which she loved! Baylor loved following Summer (my parents' dog) around and giving her hugs. It was so cute. We ate a late dinner again, had some cookies again and went to bed late, it was a fun day! Wednesday, Jesse was off work, so he came and took Ryland & Wylie out to the reservoir again to Kayak. Kaylese wanted to stay and play with Monroe, so she did. My Mom & I took the Littles over to Kim Copes house to swim in her tiny blow up pool and play on the slip & slide. They had so much fun! We had a good visit with Kim. Mike came home a little early and gave the kids all sorts of sugar, so they loved him! That evening, my parents took all the kids expect the two littles out to the reservoir and went kayaking again. They said Tyrik & Kaylese did great & loved it! Baylor & Aynslee & I watched the Mormon Channel, then spent time playing outside until they got back. We read scriptures and prayed with My Mom & Dad, and Jesse and his new girlfriend (who isn't a member) just happened to walk in, so I thought that was neat that she could hear us read the scriptures. Thursday, as soon as we were ready, we drove into Las Vegas to MinaFae's house to visit for a few minutes, then we loaded up and followed her to my Grandpa Zobrist's(my Mom's Dad) Home. We were able to visit with him for a short time, but I was so grateful the kids got to see him and He, them. Then, we headed to my Uncle James' house and went swimming. The kids had a lot of fun! We had pizza and visited, it was great! I am so grateful I got to see them! I wish we could have visited longer, but Baylor was so onery most the day and had had it by then. So we drove home so he could nap and be happy. I miss that side of the family. I love them so much. They are great loving people. That evening, you guessed it, the kids went with Grandpa again! We had another good dinner and cookies :) It was a great time. I came home Friday morning, after stopping for some Father's Day gifts in St. George on the way. We got here around 4:30, so we made good time. The trip was so fun & too short I decided! I am so grateful we were able to go. I love visiting family, it so fullfilling. Especially doing with my kids because my relatives love seeing them so much. Father's Day was nice because Spencer had no meetings for the day, it was great! Marian made a great dinner and we enjoyed seeing the kids play with their cousins. Today Spencer took the kids out to the farm, after their swimming lessons. They will have those for the next couple weeks everyday. I hope they learn a lot. I really wish time didn't have to go by so quickly. There is nothing better than having babies, and little kids, and spending time with family. I love it so much. I am truly blessed and thankful for my full, happy life. God is good. Until next time. :)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

First weeks of summer

Well, it has only been two weeks of summer and it has been pretty busy. We celebrated Tyriks birthday. He loved every minute ofcourse. He is really into Legos now, so he got a set of those and some shoes and bubbles and stuff like that. Wylie and Ryland had a ball camp for three days that the highschool, so we went over to Mt. Pleasant and I let the little ones play at the park while they were in their camp. We went up to Millers flat as a family Monday of that week also. It turned out to be a beautiful day and the kids had a lot of fun on rides and hikinh around. We went up to Salt Lake Friday to see my Gr & Gr. Slade. It was so nice to see them and have the kids visit with them. I have the feeling my Grandpa won't be around much longer, so I am glad we went. This last week we had a Dr. Appt for Wylie for his scout physical and his middle school shots. We all went up because it was Spencer & I's anniversary, so we took him a drink and treat at work. Wednesday evening Marian came to stay with the kids so Spencer & I could go up to stay overnight at Brigham city. We try to go to a new temple every year. We went to dinner and a movie that night and then Thursday morning, we went to the Brigham city temple. It was a small, but beautiful temple. They had a new video for the session that we hasn't seen yet. Then we had lunch and went to the Ogden temple for a session. That was also nice, and so pretty inside. It was neat to feel the Spirit and learn so much all that day. It was so nice to get away just for a day. I am grateful for all Spencer does for me. I know he loves me and I felt spoiled by the time Thursday was over. He brought home roses and other gifts for me Tuesday too. I am grateful that after 14 years, we are growing together spiritually and for the relationship we have. I love him very much.
Friday we just  tried to get things done around the house and grocery shopped. I am excited for my raspberry plants, rose bushes and strawberry plants in the back, they are starting to do great. It has rained off and on still which is such a huge blessing. Saturday morning Spencer, Wylie & Ryland went to Colburns baptism while me & the others went to Kali's baptism in American Fork. It was hard that they ended up being on the same day, but I am glad we could support both. It was so nice to see Janell. She looked great and seemed happy.
I am sad I don't see her more, but I hope she is truly happy. The boys went on the mountain after the were done, so they were gone when we got home. We deep cleaned the girls room, which was so needed and even Kaylese was very glad when we were done. Church was pretty good today. We all fasted, which I am grateful that my children know that is what we do. It was a good fast & testimony meeting. The bishopric taught us about bringing sacrament meetings back to Christ. We are working on this as a family, and are hoping to make a few changes to make it more meaningful. It was great to hear the messages from the quorum of the 12.
The Apostle L.Tom Perry passed away at the age of 92. He was a great man. He has been in there since 1974, so all of my life. I was sad to see him go, but happy for him. He had lost a wife, a daughter, and two granddaughters. So I am sure their reunion was great.
I have to say, after going to the temple and finishing the Book of Mormon again, I just feel like The Plan of Salvation really is real. God does have a plan. Life isn't meant to be eas y, but we are promised numerous times in the temple, if we will but remain faithful to our covenants, we will be blessed.
Sometimes it is tempting to stop trying and to just pull away from trying to be righteous and good all the time, but I know that is just Satan, not wanting me to progress and grow and I know he is trying to discourage me from raising my children the way I should. I believe they are going to do great things and that they will be a huge part of sharing the gospel and bringing in the Second Coming. I just hope and pray, that I can stay diligent in all that is needed to be done. It is the day to day things sometimes that seem hard for me to keep up with. Especially when I feel like they need to be done, but that my children should be more important than any of it. I hope I can be the kind of Mom that teaches my children how to work, and to live right, but at the same time, that I love them more than anything and would help them with anything they needed or any problem they have. I love my lifem . It is so rich, so full of love, and God's great blessings. Tyrik was able to go and stay at My Mom and Dads for his birthday lastnight and to see how much my kids love my Dad and to hear his stories and his love for us, inspires me. I am so grateful for such a great Dad and such good family. I love them so much. God loves us more than we can see and understand, and will bless us. Until next time.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Great two weeks

It is amazing all that can happen in two weeks time. Especially in May. So, Tyrik has had more tball games and enjoyed those. Ryland has had baseball games and is struggling a little with it, but is improving a lot. I had my 34th...I cannot believe I am to that number. It just seems like a step up or something. Anyways, my 34th birthday. It was so nice because the night before, Spencer ran me a bath and had rose petals in it and put on a romantic comedy on his Ipad and let me relax and watch. I loved it! The next day, Marian came and watched the three littles, so I could go with Chavonne shopping up North. I bought a few shirts and some Jewelry with a gift card from Marian and some $$ from my Dad Slade. We had a nice lunch, oh and I bought some shoes. It was a great day! So that evening was the May Day dance at the elementary for all the kids. It was fun to watch. After, Spencer surprised with a bunch of chocolate apples and strawberries an ice cream cake(yep, he's the best). I was really surprised and grateful too because Janell sent me a dozen chocolate covered strawberries. Yum!!! My birthday was a great one. I am so grateful to feel so loved. So, we had Spencers work party up North the other night. The clinic changed their name to Revere health and gave all the employees tickets to watch the new Avengers 2. It was a good movie, in fact, Spencer took the kids to it Saturday and they loved it. We bought flowers for the yard on the way up there. Thursday I planted them all in the front and then planted some raspberries and rose bushes in the back by the strawberries yesterday. I usually plant on or closer to my birthday, but it has been raining almost everyday, so it just didn't happen sooner. So, Tuesday was Tyriks preschool graduation and Wylie's 6th grade graduation. I cannot believe they are already done. Especially Wylie, it makes me so sad. I don't want him to go to middle school. :( Tyrik was excited to go to kindergarten testing Monday and then Wednesday, the three littles and I followed the buses up to the zoo for the schools field trip. It was fun. We didn't see Kaylese at all while there, but we did get to be with Ryland and Wylie a lot. The kids loved the animals. That evening, we went to Jamie and Winstons after Tyriks game was canceled to Dylans birthday party. It was a busy week, as you can tell. Friday night, I helped throw a party for Wylie and his class and a few friends from Moroni. They had a lot of fun. We were hoping to go to visit my Uncles and Gr. & Gr. Slade at Palisade lastnight, but Aynslee locked the keys in the suburban, and we couldn't get them out until way late lastnight, so the kids and I took a walk instead. We bought Tyriks birthday stuff. Hopefully he will like it. Today was Memorial Day. We went up to the cemetery first thing  where Wylie & Ryland participated with some veterans in a flag ceremony. It started to pour rain just as they were raising the flag. It seemed so fitting. I was grateful our boys and ourselves could be there and be a part of it. I am so grateful for all those who are so willing to fight for our freedoms and for those who have lost their lives doing so, so I can enjoy my safety and liberty. We went up to Miller's Flat as a family today. We took Tracys new side by side and our 4 wheeler. It was cold when we got up there, but turned out to be a perfext , beautiful day. We played on the swings, roasted smores, and went for a fun ride. The kids loved it! :) It was such a perfect day up there. It is such a beautiful place. I am so grateful Gr. Morris worked hard to get it and left it for us to enjoy. I wanted to also talk about a neat thing I received from my Gr. Slade. She dropped a lot of things off on her way to Palisade, as she usually does and she left a history of her Mother with it. It is about 12 pages  long and includes pictures I have never seem before. I still can't believe this amazing woman and these amazing stories. I am so grateful my Grandma brought this. I feel like I have a treasure. The amazing things she did, the courage she had, the hardships she went through. Amazing. I am so blessed to come from such Great women in my family. I now have the desire to learn more about all my Grandparents. Oh how good God really is to us. He is aware of us,  He loves us. I am so grateful for my Savior. Goodnight.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Well, today is Mother's Day. It was a great day. My Mom & Dad Masters came for the weekend, which was nice. I had to speak, which was not so nice, but I think overall the Spirit was there and it was a great sacrament meeting. The other speakers were Tony Wood and Cindy Lund. Yes, all the bishopric's wives. Spencer only had bishopric meeting this morning and no other meetings, so that was nice. We had yummy salmon for dinner and oatmeal cake for dessert. Yum. Yesterday was Kaylese's dance recital. She had fun and danced cute. Friday, Spencer was off, so he worked on the yard most of the day. It is looking so green and nice now, after all his hard work. I worked on my talk and laundry. I think I finally have a pretty good routine down now, so I don't have to do it everyday...only 3 days a week. I am going to try and get back to a routine of exercise and reading my scriptures. I read most days, but want to get more out of it, so I am going to try harder to understand them. Thursday night Spencer surprised me with some beautiful flowers and two chairs and a table for the deck. I was excited! It was an early Mother's Day gift. Oh, & on Saturday morning, we were able to go to the temple and do initiatory, which was so nice. So I did go to Nevada for the funeral. It was a quick trip, but I am glad I went because It wasn't very well attended. Her poor cute kids. They are 15, 12, 11, & 8. I can't imagine what Spencer would do and how the kids would fair. I just hope they can and will be strengthened by those around them. Korindi and I went together. It was nice to see her. I brought the three little with me. They were pretty good traveling because they slept a lot, but Tyrik was very bored so he had a hard time. We haven't traveled with him as much as the others, so he isn't used to it. The kids really enjoyed being at Mom & Dad Masters though. They loved the dog and playing outside. I am grateful they are able to see them often enough, that they have a good relationship with them. I am so blessed. Abundantly blessed. We have been blessed with rain almost everyday this last week. It had been so nice. Because of weather and being gone, Tyrik hasn't played a tball game yet, but he will tomorrow. I am so grateful for my families health and strength. I am grateful to be a mother and wife. I love my life and my children. Until next time.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Way too long

Well, I told myself I would do this more often, but here we are. Well, the first thing I wanted to mention is what a great big sister Kaylese is. I went to check on them last week before bed and I heard her whispering to Aynslee "Ok, it's time to say our prayers" Then I listened as she told her what to say. I was very touched and grateful. What a great girl she is. Aynslee and I are both lucky to have her.
So, we ran our half marathon in St. George last weekend. I was actually sad when it was over because we trained and looked forward to it for months. Spencer did well and met his goal time. I did well and felt great until mile 9. That's when my knee started to hurt and it slowed me way down. I was frustrated because I felt like I could have easily ran more than 13 miles breathing wise, but my knee wouldn't let me. It added 19 minutes onto my goal time. I was hobbling by the end and frustrated but, it still felt great to do it and great to finish! I am grateful we did it together. The kids had a fun time and got to go swimming while we were there and my Mom & Dad Masters took care of them during the race and spent time with us after, so for that I was grateful also. It really is amazing to me, that if you simply set a goal and believe in yourself, you can do anything you want.
Tuesday morning Spencer & I took the kids and met Marian & Tracy up to the Payson temple open house. What a beautiful temple. I am so excited for it to be dedicated and I am so grateful my children got to see it.
Friday, Jeffrey, Anna & their kids came to visit. It was so nice to have them come. They were able to go to the temple Saturday and then headed up to Salt Lake that afternoon. Out kids played and had a lot of fun with each other. Aynslee & Jenna were best little buddies, and Jenna loved being babied and carried by Kaylese. I always love having family come.
Today was a pretty good day. My kids were hard in sacrament, but even then, it was one of the best testimony meetings we've had. Many children bore their testimonies and others who don't normally get up. Even Wylie & Ryland got up and shared theirs. It was neat to see. I am headed to Nevada tomorrow. I know, random right? A friend of mine from High School was killed in a car accident. She left a husband and 4 little ones. Breaks my heart for them. Her name was Kelsy Shmutz Carson. I am only staying until the funeral is over Tuesday and then headed back because of the busy week we have ahead. May is already booked, it's crazy.
Well, I am so grateful for such a wonderful family. I am so blessed. I love my parents, siblings, husband and my kids more than they know. I will write again when I am home from Nevada. I know my Heavenly Father loves me.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spencer's Birthday

So Friday was Spencer's 36th birthday. It's amazing how fast time goes. He luckily had work off. We made him a big breakfast and had him open gifts first thing and the kids gave him the cards they made. The three older kids went with Spencer to his cousin Robert's funeral. He was a cousin on the Daniel's side who died of cancer. When they got back we actually did our 12 mile run. Ya, not the funnest things to do on your birthday. He wanted to get the run overwith so we didn't have to worry about it the next day. It was harder than the week before because it was so warm, and we were both hurting by the end, but we did it! We took the kids up to Provo after to get supplies for the swings that Spencer added onto the fort in the backyard the next day. We grabbed Papa Johns pizza on the way home. He said it was a good day. The next day we worked for hours on putting swings in. They turned out really good. I am happy and excited for the kids to be able to use them this summer. They were already testing them out, as soon as they got put in. Spencer bought himself a speaker for the TV for his birthday, so that night we watched a movie as a family. Sunday was good because we were all well enough to go to church. That evening the kids were pleasently surprised. My Mom Masters sent me a message that day wondering if she could come stay for couple of days because Kim Cope was driving up to her daughter's and was willing to drop her off. So I told the kids that we had to go to Nephi to give some lady a ride that they didn't know. When we got to the gas station, they first saw Kim and recognized her and then saw my Mom and got all excited, yelling "Grandma!" It was funny. She stayed until Wednesday morning, which was so nice. She played outside with the kids, helped with homework, housework, and laundry. It was so nice to spend time with her. We got snow today and yesterday. It has been the driest winter I have ever seen, so we have been fasting and praying for moisture. It got really cold, but we are so grateful for the moisture. Hopefully it will continue. I am grateful for a Father in Heaven who listens to me and is aware of me. Good night.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Good Conference

It was a great weekend. I loved General Conference. Spencer & I got in an 11 mile run. The kids had fun with Cook cousins. We went for a drive today to Gunnison Reservoir and ended up with a flat tire. One couple from Gunnison and a college kid from Monroe stopped to help- thank goodness. I am grateful for my "perfect" little family. Oh how I love them.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What a day

Took the baby to the Dr. And confirmed my suspicion of an ear infection. She also thought he has a sinus infection. Grabbed Easter stuff for the kids on the way home. The kids had piano. Aynslee decided to take off on her bike around the block while I was in the bathroom. I searched for her and before I found her, a neighbor that didn't know who she belonged to, called the cops. Well, the cop on duty was our neighbor Colby. He wasn't the nicest about it. I was beyond embarrassed and frustrated because it made me feel like a horrible mother, but I can only do my best. To be honest, most of the time, my best doesn't feel or seem good enough. Its frustrating, but I don't know what to do except keep trying. I am hoping for a better night sleep, we shall see.

Monday, March 30, 2015


I need to go to bed, but I need to say. I am so grateful for the good life I have. For a good husband, for sunshine that makes me happy and my kids, who I love so much. They really are such great kids. I am especially grateful for Wylie. He is such a good boy. Goodnight. God has been so good to me.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Very Tired

Well, we did it! Spencer & I ran 10 miles today without stopping. It was actually not too bad. We even made our goal time. We are both very sore and I am walking like an old lady, but we did it!
The kids & I then cleaned the vehicles and the garage, while Spencer mowed the lawn. Ya, it's weird, he has never done that in March before, but this year has been the driest and warmest winter I've seen, so he is starting on yard work early.
Kaylese & I went to the Women's conference this evening for General Conference. It was such a wonderful meeting. It was mostly about defending our homes and families. Also, about lifting others burdens. It was the first time Kaylese was able to come. That made it neat. We watched a movie called Unbroken. It's a true story, and it is amazing. It really made me grateful flr all I have and take for granted. I hope O can be a strong defender of my family and home. I desire so much to help my children grow spiritually strong, so that they can have true happiness from living righteously. I love them with all my heart. I am very tired and sore. Just finished giving Baylor a treatment, now.onto Aynslee and then bed. I hope we all feel well enough tomorrow to go to church. I sure love going.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Great Day

So Spencer & I went to the 7:30 session at the temple this morning. What a great way to start my day. I have never been that early in the morning before. Even though I was tired, I really did understand more and felt The Spirit strong. After we came home, we loaded up Winston's Ranger, our 4 wheeler, and Wylie & Dylan's motorbikes. We went out to the dunes west of Nephi. It was a beautiful day. There weren't too many people and we were able to let the kids drive the 4 wheeler for a while and get more comfortable with doing so. I am so grateful our kids had fun and so did Spencer. It was nice for him to have a couple days off.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


So the kids have had Spring break this week. We went up to see Mom & Dad Slade, stayed over and went to the Aquarium in Riverton. It was awesome! The kids loved it. It was nice to spend time with my Mom & Dad. We have just hung out since. We are planning on going to the dunes tomorrow. There was a relief society birthday dinner tonight. It was a lot of fun.
So I have been thinking a lot about last year at this time, being in the hospital with Baylor, and how I feel about being done. It's just weird because right before having him I was overwhelmed at the thought of another child, and I still get overwhelmed at times, but ever since having him, I have felt so sad about being done. I don't think it means we were meant to have more, I just think it's because I have never felt more important, more loved, so excited, and happier than when I have been pregnant, and right after having a new baby. The feelings are so hard to describe. I loved everything about it. From taking the test with nerves and excitement, to announcing it to everyone, the first ultrasound and Dr.'s appt., the name picking, the getting ready, the planning, the spiritual experience of birth, and the love I feel seeing my baby. All the visitors and excitement about meeting your new one, bringing the baby home, the visits and thougthful gifts and meals, the tiny, sweet baby to cuddle.....sigh. I just have loved everything about it. And because it has been such a huge part of my life for the last 12 years, I guess it's hard to believe and accept that it's really over . I am forever grateful for these experiences and memories. I love my kids more than they will ever understand. Each has been such a unique experience. I think the fact that Wylie is in his last quarter of elementary is making it sad for me too. I can't believe how much he has grown up. I know I am in for new adventures, but that just makes me even more nervous. I want them to stay little. I just really hope I can be the Mom that makes my kids feel loved and special. It's harder to do than I thought.   I love them with all my heart. Hope tomorrow is fun and good.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Daniel Baylor

Wow, well it's a big day tomorrow. Our baby is one year old. I will never forget the first time I saw him. Spencer handed him to me, and it was love at first sight. I felt like I knew him and I was hooked. Then, after 8 long days in the hospital and the NICU, we got to bring our tiny 5lb baby home. The next month was rough but precious. He only weighed in at 7lbs by two months old. He has been from the start, the sweetest, happiest baby we have had. He has the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen, and his smile is gorgeous. Besides being the cutest baby ever born, he really is so sweet and has been such a gift of love and joy to our family. It's funny how a year ago right now I was wondering how I could handle another child, and now here I am, wondering how I ever lived without him. I am so grateful to My Heavenly Father for Baylor, and all my children. There is nothing better than children. I still struggle so badly with patience, but they really are my joy in life. I just hope and pray that I can be a better mother. I feel awful sometimes because of how short & impatient I can be with them. I hope tomorrow is a great day.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Some days are so great as a Mother. You feel like you did the right thing, said the right thing, or actually taught your child something. Then there are days like today. Days where you regret what you said, you regret how you acted, and you regret what you did, when it comes to a child. Tyrik has been by far my most challenging child in general. Kaylese can make my blood boil quicker & worse, but Tyrik hands down is my most challenging at the moment. Even his personality is hard to figure out and deal with sometimes. But even then, there's no excuse to lose my cool. I hope and pray that I can learn patience and know how to be a better mother to him.... I hope he can forgive me and that we can have a better relationship. I love my kids more than they will ever know. I just want to be the Mom that makes sure that my kids know it. I thought I would be a pretty close to perfect Mom by now. It turns out, I was wrong. I have so far to go. Well, goodnight. I am hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Family Time

Well, an awesome thing happened this weekend. Conley, Kayla, Madi, Colby, Erica, and children, and Mom & Dad all came to visit this weekend. It was so great! I got to meet Colby's baby Scarlett. She is adorable. We ate, visited, and watched the kids enjoy eachother. It was so nice. Korvyn even got to come play yesterday. Tyrik had a good time with him. I am so grateful for my family. I love and miss them all the time. I am also grateful for a home that can fit them all and a yard and sandbox that kids can enjoy. Yesterday was such a great one. One I will not forget.
So Wylie had a few accelerated games this week and he played well. Spencer went to a meeting with some investors who are interested in Norbest and is hopeful for financing on a farm. I went to a brunch at Amy Oliver's house on Friday. It was so nice. Baylor started scooting on his bum last week across the floor. He already has figured out how to get to where he wants now. Yep, it's starting. So sad. I did get a lot of deep cleaning done because of the family coming to visit, so that was great. I am feeling a little down right now, but I think I am just tired, and sad my family is gone. I hope my kids and I survive this coming week because Spencer is on evenings and has to go in early on a couple of those days. I am grateful for what a beautiful day it was outside. We even went for a walk. I need to enjoy it more. Goodnight.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Another week in the bag and another month gone by

Well, its official, I have two children in double digits. Ryland turned 10 today. It's amazing to me how time goes by so quickly. I made him cinnamon rolls for breakfast, per his request. Then we went to his last Bball game. He played well. I am actually surprised how well he can handle the ball, and how much he has improved this season. He opened some shoes from us before his game. We came home for a little bit and then headed out to Wylie's last Jr. Jazz game. It was the championship game. They only lost by a few points. They played pretty well. We brought Colburn home with us to play with Ryland. They had fun. Most of the Cook family made it for Ryland's birthday party. He had a yummy icecream cake and got the lego set he really wanted. All in all, it's been a pretty goos day. Baylor has started into a cold and is coughing again....ya, I don't even want to go there. It's just sad for him, and tiring for me. Anyway, so lets see, My Gr. Slade turned 90 on Monday. The kids called anc sang to him and I talked to him for a bit. We had FHE on repentance. Tuesday was Spencer's day off. It was the first day he has had off in a long time. He took the three little ones for most of the day so I could exercise and get things done and have a break. It was really nice. He actually had a big change at work. We decided it was best to step down from being supervisor at work. They actually are changing things so that there is a Chief Tech and then a lead Tech over each department, and his boss wanted him to take the lead tech, but after praying and talkinh about it, we felt like it would be a good time for him to step down and make life a little less stressful for him and so he could focus more on his calling. Anyways, we are hoping this is a good move for our family. It's been.mice to have him start working at Sanpete Valley with Brian to bring in some extra income. Wednesday Wylie had a Jr. Jazz game too and they played really well and won that. Thursday he had an accelerated game in Fillmore. It was a good game. They all got the same amount of play time for a change. He played well and they won by 30+ points. Yesterday I took Tyrik to the school for an Upstart party thing. He met Mrs. Blackham and then got to color and have a cupcake. I actually tool Brooks Lovell with me and Emily took my two littles. I was able to come home and get the house cleaned up after and then I dropped the kids off to Emily again because she offered to take them while I did Rylands class party. We had it at the building. It was fun. Spencer got him the new movie Big Hero 6. They watched that and had treats and ice cream. It was fun for Ryland. So all in all, good week. Spencer and I are trying to still train. This week we had to do a 4 miler during the week and then today Spencer did 6 miles on the treadmill, but I will have to do it Monday because I was too worried about getting ready for Ryland's party and making dinner for everyone to exercise. Well, I need to go give Baylor a treatment. I hope we get some sleep tonight.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Another Week Gone by Too Fast

Wow, well it was a good week. The kids were finally pretty healthy and happy. That made for better sleep, which makes for better everything. Wylie's bball team won their game Monday, then Kaylese gave a good FHE on loving one another. Tuesday had two playoff games which were fun to watch, they even beat the Mt. Pleasant team that had a bunch of accelerated bball players on it, which was great. Wednesday Emily, Shandra, Chavonne, & Cassie came over to celebrate Chavonne's bday a week late. That was a nice lunch. Amy & Alyson couldn't make it. I started my training for the ten week countdown to the half marathon. It was hard. Thursday night was Ryland's blue & gold dinner. It was a Luau. It was a lot of fun. They had a great dinner and Polynesian dancers come from Snow College. The best part was that Ryland received a lot of awards. He even finished his Bear, so that was great. Friday the kids got to play with friends, which they loved. Ryland has been playing with Tyler Peckham a lot down at the Smiths bball court. Kaylese ended up having Cassidy and Emmy Lovell over, which she really enjoyed. Wylie had bball practice & then left for his first Klondike campout. There wasn't enough snow to do caves, but they still went. Spencer went up after work. That evening Denice Strong came over and brought Chinese for dinner and let the kids play, while we visited. She called me asking for someone's number that day and ended up making evening plans. It was random, but great to get to know her better. Saturday morning Ryland had a game which was fun. He played against an all girl team which had two of the Cook cousins on it. Kortley was one and Kady the other. It was fun to watch. After Spencer & Wylie came home, Spencer & I took off to Salt Lake to see Alan Oldroyd in Primary Children's Hospital. He is Ron & Holly Oldroyd's son. He was in an accident in a side by side. He will be ok, but broke his back and ruptured his spleen and a couple of other things. We then went to dinner at our favorite restaurant- The Cheesecake Factory. We planned on going to the Salt Lake Temple but they had an hour wait just for initiatory, so we went to the Jordan River Temple and did initiatory instead. It was a nice date and I very much enjoyed the temple. We were asked to fast as a stake for moisture because we are in such a drought this winter so we started that after we ate yesterday. Wylie, Ryland, & Kaylese all fasted today too. I am grateful they are willing to do it. Church was nice. I was just so grateful to go. R.S. was on staying in the boat(The Church). It was a great lesson and reminded me to strengthen my own testimony. Sunday school was about the attributes we should possess to be Christ like. It was a great reminder to keep our focus on the important things in life instead of worldly and to really study the word of God and always being looking for more ways to be righteous. In sacrament we were reminded of the talk that President Hinckley gave when ge presented The Proclamation of The Family. It reminded me to be careful of what comes in our home and to keep striving to teach my children what is right because there is so much wickedness in the world that is trying to reach our families. I am really trying to make our home a place where our children can feel peace and can feel a difference. This week something came to my mind as I was driving. Spencer's Aunt Nanalee, who just lost her husband Mark. The thought that she is Steadfast and Immovable no matter what trials she faces impressed upon my mind. I struggle to be this and I know it is important, so I am going to strive to do better at becoming such a woman. I am grateful beyond words to be a mother. There is nothing I can think of that is more challenging, but nothing greater. I really do want to be the best Mom I can be more than anything else. I am trying to enjoy them as much as I can, along with teaching them that we must accomplish certain things everyday. This isn't easy, but I hope I can both without being too mean. I really do have great kids. In fact Ryland's scout leader told me that he was such a great kid and how impressed she was with how smart he is. She said she will miss him because he is moving up in scouts. We had an adult in our ward tell Spencer this week what a great kid Wylie was and how impressed he was with all the hard work Wylie did at scout camp. It is things like this that really help me feel like even though I feel like a terrible mother some days, all my hopes and effort of teaching them what is right and being a good mother is paying off or sticking somewhat. It's a great feeling. Well, I am so grateful for the difference that Church has made in my day and in my week already. I needed it. I love my family and My Heavenly Father. Good night. Until next time.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's

Wow, well, lets just say it's weeks like this that make me grateful just to make it through. I did take Baylor back in Monday. He got an order to have his snot suctioned out and he had a bad ear infection so we got him on an antibiotic. Luckily, his oxygen was higher so we didn't end up in the hospital. Aynslee started the same junk Monday, then Tyrik Tuesday. They all ended up having the same RSV, which meant a lot of breathing treatments, coughing and more coughing, fevers, and for poor Aynslee- a lot of aches and pains. Not to mention, hardly any sleep for Mom. Sigh...but, we made it through! Baylor is finally feeling a lot better. Aynslee and Tyrik are still coughing but atleast the fevers and crying are done. And, they are all sleeping a lot better- yay! I had Parent Teacher Conferences in the middle of it all, the boys are doing great, Kaylese is struggling with behaviorial things...mostly talking too much. We are hoping to help her be better. Spencer worked at Sanpete Valley on Friday. Spencer and the boys went to Ryland's game today. Then Kaylese went with Spencer and the boys to the farm. It took me a while to get motivated, but I finally talked myself into scrubbing floors, walls, baseboards, and that was good. Spencer brought home flowers and chocolate the other night for Valentines but also took me for a ride to get a drink and a treat tonight, which was nice. It is still abnormally warm, but I am loving it. My Dad Jeff sent flowers for me the other day and balloons for all the kids which was so nice. It really brightened the hard week. I even got to talk to him for quite a while yesterday, which is always uplifting. I am so grateful for modern day medicine, for the blessings of paying tithing and fast offerings, and for almost healthy children, and a husband who knows how to work hard and is willing to do it for our family. We have a good life, great kids and are really blessed. I am grateful for prayer and am trying to be better about understanding the scriptures I read and listening for answers to my prayers. Thank You Heavenly Father for answering my parents prayers on my behalf and giving me the energy to get through this week and even accomplish a couple things in between. Goodnight!:-*

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Well, it was a beautiful 60° Sunday here in Fountain Green. Yes, 60°! Unheard of this time of year. It has been so warm and nice. The kids and I have loved it!
On the other hand, we need moisture so bad that I wonder just how long this will last. Anyhow, the kids went to church on their own today. Spencer was there too, but is always busy with calling duties. Baylor is sick, so Aynslee, he & I stayed home. The kids were able to play outside a lot this week, including today and loved it. We decorated Valentine sugar cookies today and I dropped a couple of plates off to VT ladies and Bishop's family. Poor Baylor has only been happy off and on all day. He started coughing Thursday night and then had a fever on Friday and got worse on Saturday, so we took him up to the pediatric night clinic in Orem. His oxygen was low, so he wanted to admit him to the hospital. He said he has RSV, but didnt make us do the test to make sure. Spencer talked him into letting us try a treatment and then test his oxygen again. It went up enough that he agreed to let us take him home but gave him a steroid shot. His breathing is what really bothers me, he has had treatments every two hours today and is still wheezing. Poor baby. I will most likely take him back in to get checked in the morning, we will see. So this week has been crazy busy for Spencer, he has been slammed at work and had church stuff going as well. We are grateful for the overtime because we need the $$. Wylie and Spencer were able to go do baptisms for the dead again on Tuesday. This is the first time Spencer had to work on a Saturday in a long time. Luckily Wylie didnt have a game this week, so I only had to truck it over to Ryland's game with the kids. The kids were even able to play at the park yesterday. Like I said, I have loved the sunshine. I went running outside twice this week. The first time was terrible, but the second time was better. I did 2.5 miles. I might try two 2.5 & one outside 3 this coming week, we will see. Wednesday was nice, Chavonne, Amy & I went to Shandra's house for lunch and a visit. Then Friday was supposed to be my hair appointment, but I had a really bad feeling that morning. So I prayed and felt like I was supposed to stay home. I am glad I did. I don't know what could or would have happened, but it was nice to be home with the kids and I ended up having to go to Nephi to get Meds for Baylor. Stephanie Gilgen came and rode with me just for a visit. It was nice because I haven't talked to her in so long. Well, I am hoping Baylor gets better soon. Onto a new busy week.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Good week

Well, it has been a good week. Busy, but good. History Fair is over & Wylie got a 92%- yay! I am just glad it's over. Spencer & Wylie went to scout camp at Fish Lake. They enjoyed it. On Wed. Chavonne, Cassie, Amy, & Shandra came over for Chinese food and oatmeal cake. It was nice to visit. The boys both played well at their Basketball game on Saturday. We had dinner with the Cook family and watched the Superbowl yesterday. That was fun. All in all good week. And everyone is healthy for the moment-yay!

Monday, January 26, 2015

A great Monday

Wow! Well, this has to be the best day all together that I have had in a while. So it all started by Baylor sleeping through the night lastnight. Ya, that was wonderful. I got up to make Spencer breakfast and surprisingly didn't feel dead like usual. After he left, I read my scriptures and my patriarchal blessing. The baby woke up and I put him in my bed to finish reading. By then, the kids were up. They made it to school on time without a fight(very nice). I had breakfast with the littles when I got back, I took out all the garbages and started laundry. Tyrik did his computer work without a fight. I then ran 2.0 miles on the treadmill without stopping for the first time in years. I watched Chavonne's boys while she went visit teaching. I talked to Korindi for the first time in forever, she is shockingly pregnant. They thought they were done four years ago. I dejunked the girls room and bathroom. I then went onto the boys room and dejunked theirs as well. Yes, they were bad and it took me hours, but it was so worth it. I went to throw something away and realized how warm it was and decided to clean out the suburban. I admit I stood in the sun for a few minutes just to soak it in. Ya, I dont think that has even happened before, warm enough to do anything without a jacket in January...weird. my kids even got to play outside for quite a while because of the weather. We all loved it. I got all of our laundry done and put away, all the girls laundry done and folded and even started some of the boys. Oh, I did a few bills this morning also and transferred a few things. I vacuumed upstairs and the boys room. The kids came in from playing and cleaned the basement. I got the kids bathed & fed, the dishes done and kitchen clean. I had the kids make birthday cards for my Dad while I gave them a FHE lesson on rules/commandments. We prayed, I put them to bed, I then made Spencer a chicken salad for dinner because he worked a long shift and got home late and was starving. I ate my own treat of chocolate strawberries and watched the news for a minute. Got a Visiting teaching appointment set up for tomorrow. Spent time with my honey before he went to bed, and here we are. Whew!!!! I can't believe it all even as I typed it. The thing is, I didn't even mention that I was able to stay calm and happy with the kids and hugged them and helped with homework a little, got them to practice piano, etc... I am so grateful first of all for, answered prayers, second, a good nights sleep, third, sunshine, and fourth, time with my children, without games, practices and such. It all makes such a difference. I am grateful that Spencer is willing to work as hard as he does to provide all of this and make it possible for me to spend the days with my kids. They are the best. They really are. They are smart,funny, patient, forgiving, and kind. They are great kids. I am so grateful for such a great day. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of us and will answer prayers if we ask sincerely. I am so grateful for that. I just hope I can start to have more days like today more often. It gave me hope that I can accomplish a lot and still be a good Mom.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A lesson learned

So this morning to my pleasant surprise, Tyrik heard Wylie saying he needed to find something. He then told him that he should pray for help because Heavenly Father knows where everything is. Wylie was very surprised as well. The funny thing is, he was talking about finding primary resources for his report....ya, gotta love it. I am just so grateful that Tyrik remembered what I taught him.:-)
So this afternoon I went grocery shopping for the week. I took all three little ones and was dreading the usual circus and getting so upset by the end that I can't wait to leave. I also was dreading spending more than I wanted like I almost always do. I said a prayer for help as I walked in, and surprisingly, it turned out ok. I didn't spend as much as I thought I would and even though the kids weren't total angels, they were good enough that I remained calm, even through the checkout. It is times like this, that make me grateful for prayer. By the way, Baylor is 10 months old today-what the heck?! I cannot believe it! He is such a good baby. I am ao grateful for his sweet little spirit in our family. Oh how I love him.


So yesterday was a pretty good day. I was calm with the kids, I got what I wanted done, but there are always a few things that stand out. First, Tyrik couldnt find his back pack for school. He was pretty frustrated. I had the thought that it would be a good time to teach him about prayer. I asked him to say a prayer to help him find his back pack. Almost immediately after, he went and found it. I made sure he said another prayer to thank Heavenly Father for answering his prayer. It turned out to be a great teaching moment. So that was good. The other good thing was conquering the game/blanket closet that I dread so much because it is such a big job. While I was accomplishing this however, of course Tyrik and Aynslee were doing something naughty. As long as I have been a mother, that is pretty much how it has always gone. I dont know why I am surprised! I feel like I have Ryland & Kaylese all over again most days. Anyhow, they took every piece of clothing off of Ryland and Tyriks shelves in their closet and threw them on the floor. Ya, that was nice. Undo one closet, while I organize another. 
One thing every Mother learns, if toddlers are ever quiet, it's not a nice break, something naughty is happening!

Saturday, January 17, 2015


So, yesterday didn't turn out how I expected it to. This was a good unexpected though. I ended having a couple of quiet hours in the morning to clean because Alyson invited Aynslee & Tyrik over to play. They loved it and so did I. Then Chavonne had to go up to Salt Lake to get her vacuum and asked if I wanted to go. At first I thought thete was no way, but then I had an idea. I went with her and surprised Spencer on the way home with a date. She took Aynslee and Tyrik home so Wylie could watch them and Michele Ashworth was sweet enough to take Baylor. So I got to visit with Chavonne, and I got to go on a date with Spencer. Double great! It was a nice date too. Today started out with Ryland's Basketball game. He did well and it was great to watch him play. Wylie happily went to the farm. Then, we spent the rest of the day doing laundry, cleaning up the house, taking down the Christmas lights finally. And cleaning the church again. I am very grateful Spencer was willing to spend the day here helping so much. He got me totally caught up on laundry...which is a rare occasion. A pretty good day, but I feel sad that it's over because I I spent no quality time with my kids. Or atleast talking or playing or reading to them. This is usually my biggest frustration-there are the things I want to do with my kids and feel like I should be doing everyday, and then there are the things that I feel have to get done and get put in front of quality time. I also feel like I have to ride them most of the day just to get things done that are necessary but won't get done unless I do. I hate it so bad! I wish we could just have spend.together without feeling like we have to do anything or without me having to nag or.ride them. I am not that nice, loving, fun Mom most days that I so badly want to be. I feel like I am the nag until it gets done and Im busy with this so I can't do that with you Mom. Sigh...I just need to figure out how to make it work. I want to be a great Mom & accomplish things everyday. These both bring me joy. I know the kids are more important but life happens and there are things like dishes and laundry and cleaning that never stop. I am determined nonetheless to find that happy medium.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tuesday, Wednesday

It's amazing how the week is already half way over. So yesterday was actually Spencer's day off. Of course instead of getting to spend the day with him, I got to take all three littles up to the Dr. instead. Baylor ended up with double ear sad. I knew he has been in pain, but had no idea it was both and he said they were both bad. He is such a good baby. Even when he is sick. The other two just had bad coughs, but he said their asthma sounded ok. I ran into Hobby Lobby after to grab a board for Wylie's History Fair, that was torcher with the kids, even after five minutes! Tyrik grabbed a large vase after I told him he couldn't buy something and announced loudly in front of two workers " Fine, then I am going to break this!" Ya, you can imagine the looks I got...sigh. That child is really something else, that's all I know. My Mom & Spencer have both told me that maybe he will be my best teenager/adult. One can only hope.
So after we got home yesterday I was on one. Ya, the last few days I have been very short with the kids, feeling frustrated, unhappy, &not to mention tired!! I wasn't very nice though. I feel bad for them when I am like that. Spencer handled it well and did what he could to help. That helped me calm down a bit. This morning I felt a little better rested, not much, but a little. I ran, ok jogged(I really don't run ;-)) for 1 straight mile. I was so happy and proud of myself. I know it sounds dumb, but Spencer & I signed up for a half marathon in April just to motivate us to do something, and that's the furthest I have run since before I had Baylor. I hope I can continue to do well and really be ready for it by April. We will see. Spencer's back keeps him from doing a lot, so he has to be careful. He was just hoping to lose some weight to relieve some of the strain on his back, and hope to run it. I am looking forwars to trying it together. I am just glad we have a goal. So today, I got a lot of my craft stuff out and made some cute Valentine decor for fun. I really felt like I needed an outlet like that to help me get a break from the mundane and to help me enjoy life a little more. I did enjoy it. I am grateful I had the stuff to do it and that they ended up pretty cute. Kaylese was even sweet enough to say "Mom, you are the best decorater ever!" Oh how sheltered my children really are. It still made me feel good. I really think I need to establish more pf a routine that includes doing something one on one with the little ones. Tyrik struggles with boredom during the day and almost always just wants to play a video game or watch a show. It is so hard because with the three older I did so much more one on one with them. With him, it's hard to find it because of both the older ones and the two little ones. He struggles socially and I feel like this is why. I really need to be better at setting apart time for him. He loves preschool and playdays, but when we're home with just us, he really has a hard time. Anyhow, I am tired. I guess I should go to bed. I am so grateful for my kids. They really are the best! I just wish I could be as nice and patient as I want to be all of the time. I am grateful they forgive me even though I am crazy sometimes. Until next time.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Onto sick Monday

So I actually ended up sneaking into part of sacrament yesterday for a few minutes because Spencer had to speak. I was so grateful to be able to partake of the sacrament and get a little bit of what was taught. He and Stuart and Bishop spoke on the new theme which is service. A couple of things I was able to get out of it was first, take opportunities to serve your family. Also, that we covenanted to serve one another when we were baptized. I was reminded to put God first. The thing that struck me most was a scripture I have read many times. "Seek Ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added unto you..." I have been so worried about coming up with ways to make more money or to help make ends meet and when I heard that scripture, it reminded me of what I should really be worried about and focused on. Anyhow, I was grateful for some of the spiritual nourishment I felt sad to be missing.
So today was actually a pretty good and productive day. The three youngest are worse with colds, cough, & asthma, but I was able to accomplish what I desired and needed to for the moat part. It is our 7 year anniversary of moving into this house and Fountain Green today. It also was Dad Masters birthday. Each of the kids left him a voicemail first thing this morning and we mailed cards they made for him and I sent him an email telling him what I admire about him. The 7 yr mark in our home is so crazy to me. It almost felt like life went pretty slow until we moved in here and since then, it just took off at full speed. They have been so great though. Three new babies, three baptisms, all three older kids starting school, and so many other great memories made here already. I am grateful we ended up here. It is a great place with great people. We have been so blessed.
So we went to Wylie's junior Jazz game this evening. It was a good game. They lost by only three points. Wylie was so disappointed in himself, but he really played well and I calmed down after some talking. He is so much harder on himself now than he was before accelerated. I do hope he can realize how good he really is and enjoy it a little more, but we will see. I do have to say, taking all the kids by myself to the games wears me out. It has gotten a little better lately because the older ones help, but tonight was one of those nights that make me never want to do it again. I was a LITTLE frustrated!!! We had a FHE on choices and consequences. Hopefully we can set distinct consequences for certain choices. By doing this, I am hoping it will make things a little easier and eleviate some of our frustrations.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Another sick Sunday

I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I can't attend church for the 4th week in a row because of sickness. Every year during the winter, my children are sick a lot! During Christmas break I was even sick too, which doesn't happen very often. I know that there are so many other parents with children who have worse sicknesses or problems than my kids. That being said, I still feel like one of my trials is having sick children so often. It affects sleep, church attendance, & so much more. Those two are the hardest for me. Missing sleep affects every aspect of my day. Missing church affects my whole week for sure. In fact, it is one of my favorite parts of my week, even if it is hard with my kids. Spiritual nourishment for me is so important. I can feel the difference when I miss out. I know there is always something to learn from trials. The one thing I have learned is gratitude for health. Ok, I am done whining. For now atleast. ;)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The rest of our Saturday

We cleaned the church today. Doing this really helped me appreciate the fact that we have a nice clean chapel to use every week for church. I really take it for granted. Kaylese, Aynslee, Baylor & I went to Wylie's Bball game in Orem. They played well, but didnt end up winning.
On the way home Aynslee coughed so hard she threw up...good times. Never a dull moment in our family for sure. She has had a cough for weeks. I put off taking her in thinking it would go away. I should know better, after this many years of having asthmatic children. They get a little cold which triggers their asthma and even after their cold is long gone, their cough remains for weeks unless I get them on a steroid. Anyhow, I will have to fit an appointment with their pediatrician sometime next week for the poor girl. She really is one of our funniest children though. She has always loved to sing, but has recently taken up playing the piano while singing, and today added clapping for herself. It' so fun to listen and watch. A performer just like her sister :-)

Ryland's Game

Ryland played his first game of his Basketball season this morning. He did great! I was so proud of him! He has learned so much since last year.

Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it's been a few years. After adding two children, a busy calling, and a few more sports and activities to our lives, I have decided to start blogging again. This time however, I think I will keep it much more about what kind of day I had, how I feel about life, how things are going with the kids, maybe even frustrations. Kind of like a journal. I write in my journal at least once a month, but to try and remember the everyday events and feelings that I don't want to forget, I thought this might just be easier. We will see how it goes.